Helm Chart
Pulling the Helm Chart
Obtain a Registry Key
To pull the Helm chart and required images, you will need a key to access the Akuity Platform container registry. This key will be provided to you by Akuity.
Pull the Chart
export DOCKER_PASSWORD=<registry_key>
helm registry login us-docker.pkg.dev -u _json_key_base64 -p $DOCKER_PASSWORD
helm pull oci://us-docker.pkg.dev/akuity/akp-sh/charts/akuity-platform --untar
License Key
Name | Description | Value |
licenseKey | "" |
Image Parameters
Name | Description | Value |
image.repository | Image repository of the Akuity Platform | us-docker.pkg.dev/akuity/akp-sh/akuity-platform |
image.tag | Overrides the image tag (default is the chart version) | "" |
image.secret.create | Creates the 'akuity-pullsecrets' secret | true |
image.username | Username to the Akuity Platform container registry | _json_key_base64 |
image.password | Password to the Akuity Platform container registry | "" |
image.argocd.host | Overrides the Argo CD image host | "" |
image.argocd.repo | Overrides the Argo CD image repository | "" |
Portal Parameters
Name | Description | Value |
portal.url | Public URL to portal (e.g. https://akuity.example.com ) | "" |
portal.imagePullPolicy | Portal server image pull policy | Always |
portal.maxEmailInvitationsPerBatch | Maximum number of invitation emails which can be sent in one go | 5 |
portal.autoscaling.enabled | Enables horizontal pod autoscaling for the portal server | true |
portal.autoscaling.minReplicas | Sets the minimum number of replicas | 3 |
portal.autoscaling.maxReplicas | Sets the maximum number of replicas | 10 |
portal.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | Sets the target CPU utilization percentage | 80 |
portal.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage | Sets the target memory utilization percentage | 80 |
portal.seed.organization.name | Creates an organization with a given name | undefined |
portal.seed.organization.owner | Creates an owner for the given organization with the given e-mail address. | undefined |
portal.resources | Resources limits and requests for the portal server containers | {} |
portal.env | Additional environment variables added to the portal server | {} |
portal.env.MIN_ORGANIZATION_NAME_LENGTH | The minimum length of an organization name that is allowed on the platform, minimum value is 2 , defaults to 4 if undefined | undefined |
portal.env.MIN_CLUSTER_NAME_LENGTH | The minimum length of a cluster name that is allowed on the platform, minimum value is 2 , defaults to 3 if undefined | undefined |
portal.env.MIN_INSTANCE_NAME_LENGTH | The minimum length of an Argo CD instance name that is allowed on the platform, minimum value is 2 , defaults to 3 if undefined | undefined |
portal.topologySpreadConstraints | Sets topology spread constraints for the portal server deployment | undefined |
Platform controller Parameters
Name | Description | Value |
platformController.imagePullPolicy | Platform controller image pull policy | Always |
platformController.domainSuffix | Platform controller domain suffix to use (defaults to hostname of .portal.url ) | "" |
platformController.instanceSubDomains | Enables using nested subdomains for managed argocd/kargo instances | true |
Resources limits and requests for the platform controller containers
Name | Description | Value |
platformController.env | Adds additional environment variables to the platform controller configmap | {} |
platformController.env.ARGOCD_APP_RESYNC_INTERVAL_SECONDS | Argo CD Application resync interval in seconds (if 0 or undefined then Argo CD built-in default is used) | undefined |
platformController.env.AGENT_STATUS_UPDATE_INTERVAL_SECONDS | Agent status update interval in seconds (if 0 or undefined then Agent built-in default is used) | undefined |
platformController.env.SHARED_K3S_DB_CONNECTION_AUTH | Set to true for all tenants to use database.user and database.password credentials rather than a personal credentials for each tenant. This might be needed when connecting to the database through RDS Proxy which has a limit of 200 users | undefined |
platformController.commonAgentCert | common agent cert provides the shared certificate for both *.cdsvcs.akuity.example.com as well as *.kargosvcs.akuity.example.com domains used by agents | "" |
platformController.argocdAgentCert | argocd agent cert provides the certificate for only *.cdsvcs.akuity.example.com used by argocd agents | "" |
platformController.kargoAgentCert | kargo agent cert provides the certificate for only *.kargosvcs.akuity.example.com domains used by kargo agents | "" |
Notification controller Parameters
Name | Description | Value |
notificationController.enabled | Enabled the notification controller | false |
notificationController.imagePullPolicy | Notification controller image pull policy | Always |
notificationController.resources | Resources limits and requests for the notification controller containers | {} |
notificationController.env | Adds additional environment variables to the notification controller configmap | {} |
addonController.enabled | Enabled the addon controller | false |
addonController.imagePullPolicy | Notification controller image pull policy | Always |
addonController.resources | Resources limits and requests for the addon controller containers | {} |
addonController.env | Adds additional environment variables to the addon controller configmap | {} |
Secret Parameters
Name | Description | Value |
secret.create | Creates the 'akuity-platform' Secret | true |
tls.secret.create | Creates the 'akuity-platform-tls' Secret used as the Traefik default certificate. Set to false if creating the secret in another way (e.g. cert-manager) | true |
tls.crt | TLS certificate. Can be valid for multiple domains (e.g. https://akuity.example.com, https://*.cd.akuity.example.com, https://*.cdsvcs.akuity.example.com) | "" |
tls.key | TLS private key | "" |
tls.additionalCertificates | List of additional TLS certificates to serve in the form of Kubernetes Secrets. This may be necessary if different certificates are used for different domains (e.g. https://akuity.example.com, https://*.cd.akuity.example.com, https://*.cdsvcs.akuity.example.com) | [] |
Database Parameters
Name | Description | Value |
database.host | Database hostname | "" |
database.port | Database port | 5432 |
database.user | Database username | "" |
database.password | Database password | "" |
database.dbname | Database name | postgres |
database.schemaname | Schema name | public |
database.createSchema | create schema automatically | false |
database.dataKey | 256-bit base64 encoded encryption key used for envelope encryption of sensitive data columns. A random key can be generated with the following command: openssl rand -base64 32 . NOTE: loss of this key will result in permanent and irrevocable data loss! | "" |
database.readOnlyHost | Database read-only hostname. Used for connection load balancing of read requests to read-only database replicas. If omitted, will default to the write hostname. | "" |
database.sslmode | Database SSL mode | require |
SSO Parameters
Single Sign-On configuration. Either OIDC or auth0 must be configured.
Name | Description | Value |
sso.oidc.enabled | Enable OIDC authentication | true |
sso.oidc.issuer | OIDC issuer URL. This value is ignored if dex is enabled and served as a subpath | "" |
sso.oidc.clientID | OIDC client ID. If dex is enabled, value will be used as Dex's client ID | "" |
sso.oidc.clientSecret | OIDC client secret. If dex is enabled, value will be used as Dex's client secret | "" |
sso.oidc.scopes | OIDC scopes to request (default: openid,profile,email,offline_access) | openid,profile,email,offline_access |
sso.oidc.logoutURL | OIDC logout url | "" |
sso.oidc.insecureSkipTLSVerify | Skip TLS verification of the OIDC provider. This will be needed if dex is served as a subpath, and TLS is not yet configured. | false |
sso.auth0.enabled | Enable Auth0 configuration | false |
sso.auth0.domain | Auth0 domain (e.g. example.us.auth0.com) | "" |
sso.auth0.audience | Auth0 Audience of the token | "" |
sso.auth0.clientID | Auth0 client id for portal service | nil |
sso.auth0.cliClientID | Auth0 client id for CLI | nil |
sso.dex.enabled | Install dex | false |
sso.dex.image.repository | Image repository for Dex | ghcr.io/dexidp/dex |
sso.dex.image.tag | Overrides the Dex image tag | v2.35.3 |
sso.dex.image.secret.create | Creates the 'dex-pullsecrets' secret | false |
sso.dex.image.username | Username for the Dex container registry | "" |
sso.dex.image.password | Password for the Dex container registry | "" |
sso.dex.secret.create | Creates the 'dex' Secret whose data values will be mounted as environment variables to the Dex Deployment | true |
sso.dex.secret.data | Secret data keys and plain-text values to set in the 'dex' Secret. These will be environment variables to dex so they can be referenced in the dex/config.yaml | {} |
sso.dex.resources | Resources limits and requests for the Dex containers | {} |
sso.dex.issuerSubPath | Serve dex as a subpath of the portal URL (e.g. https://akuity.example.com/dex) | true |
sso.dex.ingress.enabled | Enable ingress to dex | false |
sso.dex.ingress.host | Host value to dex ingress | "" |
sso.dex.config | Additional dex/config.yaml configuration. See https://dexidp.io/docs/ for dex documentation. Configuration can reference environment variables in the 'dex' Secret (e.g. $MICROSOFT_CLIENT_SECRET) | {} |
sso.roleFromGroups | Contains the SSO groups that will be automatically assigned roles | undefined |
sso.roleFromGroups.member | Comma separated list of SSO groups that will be assigned the 'member' role | "" |
sso.roleFromGroups.admin | Comma separated list of SSO groups that will be assigned the 'admin' role | "" |
sso.roleFromGroups.owner | Comma separated list of SSO groups that will be assigned the 'owner' role | "" |
Traefik Parameters
Traefik is a required component of the Akuity Platform.
The Akuity Platform expects a traefik-external
ingress class to be present and is installed with Traefik in this section.
Name | Description | Value |
traefik.enabled | Install Traefik | true |
traefik.image.repository | Image repository for Traefik | public.ecr.aws/docker/library/traefik |
traefik.image.tag | Overrides the Traefik image tag | v3.2.3 |
traefik.image.secret.create | Creates the 'traefik-pullsecrets' secret | false |
traefik.image.username | Username for the Traefik container registry | "" |
traefik.image.password | Password for the Traefik container registry | "" |
traefik.crd.enabled | Install Traefik CRDs | true |
traefik.websecureRedirect | Redirect 80 to 443. Only set this to false for testing purposes | true |
traefik.autoscaling.enabled | Enables horizontal pod autoscaling for Traefik | true |
traefik.autoscaling.minReplicas | Sets the minimum number of replicas | 3 |
traefik.autoscaling.maxReplicas | Sets the maximum number of replicas | 20 |
traefik.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | Sets the target CPU utilization percentage | 80 |
traefik.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage | Sets the target memory utilization percentage | 80 |
traefik.replicas | If autoscaling is not enabled, the number of replicas for the Traefik deployment | 1 |
traefik.resources | Resources limits and requests for the Traefik containers | {} |
traefik.topologySpreadConstraints | Sets topology spread constraints for the Traefik deployment | undefined |
Other Parameters
Name | Description | Value |
agent.insecureSkipTLSVerify | Skip TLS verification from agents to Akuity Platform | false |
aws.enabled | Add AWS specific annotations to resources | true |
kargoInstanceValues | Kargo instance parameters | nil |
instanceValues | Argo CD instance parameters | nil |
instanceValues.k3s | k3s parameters | undefined |
instanceValues.kustomization | Kustomizations to be applied to Argo CD instances | undefined |
instanceValues.k3s_proxy | k3s proxy parameters | undefined |
instanceValues.pgpool | pgpool parameters | undefined |
smtp.host | SMTP host | "" |
smtp.port | SMTP port | 587 |
smtp.user | SMTP username | "" |
smtp.password | SMTP password | "" |
liquibase.image.repository | Image repository for Liquibase | quay.io/akuity/liquibase |
liquibase.image.tag | Overrides the Liquibase image tag | 4.29 |
liquibase.image.secret.create | Creates the 'liquibase-pullsecrets' secret | false |
liquibase.image.username | Username for the Liquibase container registry | "" |
liquibase.image.password | Password for the Liquibase container registry | "" |
Instance Upgrader Parameters
Instance Upgrader is a job that upgrades managed instances during Akuity Platform upgrade.
Name | Description | Value |
instanceUpgrader.enabled | Enables the instance upgrader job | true |
Specify which compatibility modes will be required
Name | Description | Value |
compatibility.openshift | Enables Openshift compatibility. This option will modify platform install manifests, Argo CD instance manifests, and Kargo instance manifests to support running on Openshift. | false |
compatibility.sidecarContainers | enables use of the Kubernetes sidecar containers feature in the platform workloads | true |
compatibility.ipv6Only | Enables IPv6 only compatibility | false |