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Akuity Platform Troubleshooting

Argo CD instance is in Progressing state

The Progressing state indicates the instance is being reconfigured or updated. It usually goes away in several minutes.

Can't log in to Argo CD

Error: Login is disabled

This is the default behavior for every new Argo CD instance.

To enable login for the admin user, follow these instructions.

Can't create an application

Error: no clusters connected

Check connection to the cluster:

  1. Navigate to Argo CDyour instanceClusters.

  2. Find your cluster in the list and check the agent's health icon and version.


The agent's health might take several seconds to update.

  • If agent health is Unknown, make sure that agent manifests are installed in your cluster and agent pods can connect to
  • You could also check agent logs in the managed cluster using a tool like stern:
    • stern akuity-agent -n akuity
    • stern argocd-repo-server -n akuity

Getting started with

To expedite and troubleshoot any issue you mave have, we have created a support-bundle to collect basic cluster information, logs, and configmaps in the akuity namespace. Please feel free to verify or edit any information.


All information is collected locally and will be placed into the support-bundle-*.tar.gz file.

  1. Install Krew or manually Homebrew:
brew install krew

Make sure to add the ${HOME}/.krew/bin directory to you PATH environment variable.

export PATH="${PATH}:${HOME}/.krew/bin"
  1. Install the support-bundle by running the following command:
kubectl krew install support-bundle
  1. Run the following command to scan your cluster:
kubectl support-bundle
  1. Attach the support-bundle-*.tar.gz file to your support ticket