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akuity argocd cluster create

Create a cluster

akuity argocd cluster create [flags]


akuity argocd cluster create \
--organization-name=<name> \
--instance-name=<name> \


      --agent-size string                       Agent size (One of small,medium,large,auto) (default "small")
--akuity-custom-image-registry string Custom image registry for Akuity images
--annotation stringArray Cluster annotation (e.g. --annotation 'key1' or 'key1=value1')
--argoproj-custom-image-registry string Custom image registry for Argoproj images
--disable-auto-update Disable automatic updates of agent components
--disable-auto-upgrade Disable automatic updates of agent components (DEPRECATED: use --disable-auto-update instead)
--force Disables optional cluster settings validation
-h, --help help for create
--instance-id string ArgoCD instance ID
--instance-name string ArgoCD instance name
--kustomization-path string Path to kustomization.yaml that contains cluster agent kustomization
--label stringArray Cluster label (e.g. --label 'key1' or 'key1=value1')
-n, --namespace string Target namespace (default "akuity")
--namespace-scoped Namespace scoped cluster installation
--org-id string Alias for organization-id
--org-name string Alias for organization-name
--organization-id string Akuity cloud organization ID
--organization-name string Akuity cloud organization name
-o, --output string Output format. One of (json, yaml, wide) (default "wide")
--project string Argo CD Project cluster belongs to
--redis-tunneling Tunnels agent redis connection instead of using a direct connection (default 'false')
--state-replication Enables agent state replication (default 'false')
--upsert Update if exists
--version string Desired cluster agent target version

Options inherited from parent commands

      --insecure-skip-tls-verify   If true, the server's certificate will not be checked for validity
--no-color Disable colored output (default true)
--server string The server url of the Akuity cloud (default "")