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akuity argocd cluster get-agent-manifests

Get cluster agent manifests

akuity argocd cluster get-agent-manifests [flags]


akuity argocd cluster get-agent-manifests \
--organization-name=<name> \
--instance-name=<name> \
<cluster-name or cluster-id>


  -h, --help                       help for get-agent-manifests
--instance-id string ArgoCD instance ID
--instance-name string ArgoCD instance name
--offline-installation When set to true the agent manifests will be bundle snapshot of all Argo CD settings including applications and projects
--org-id string Alias for organization-id
--org-name string Alias for organization-name
--organization-id string Akuity cloud organization ID
--organization-name string Akuity cloud organization name
--use-id Use cluster id instead of name

Options inherited from parent commands

      --insecure-skip-tls-verify   If true, the server's certificate will not be checked for validity
--no-color Disable colored output (default true)
--server string The server url of the Akuity cloud (default "")