Akuity Platform Tutorials
📄️ Introduction to Argo CD
This tutorial will walk you through implementing Argo CD with Akuity Platform, to manage the deployment of the Helm charts in a declarative fashion.
📄️ Introduction to Argo CD on EKS
This tutorial will walk you through implementing Argo CD on EKS with the Akuity Platform, to manage the deployment of the Helm charts in a declarative fashion.
📄️ Introduction to Argo CD for FinTech
This tutorial will walk you through building container images with GitHub Actions, and then implementing Argo CD with the Akuity Platform, to manage the deployment of the container to Kubernetes using Helm charts and GitOps.
📄️ Advanced GitOps Workshop
Advanced GitOps Workshop tutorial using Argo CD and the Akuity Platform
📄️ Migrating from Argo CD to Akuity
A tutorial on migrating from Argo CD to the Akuity Platform
📄️ Cluster Add-ons with ApplicationSets
Tutorial on scaling Multi-cluster Management with Argo CD and ApplicationSets
📄️ Declarative Management of the Akuity Platform
Tutorial on how to declaratively manage Argo CD instances and configuration using the Akuity Platform.
📄️ GitHub Commit Status Notifications
Tutorial on how to add GitHub commit status notifications for Argo CD on the Akuity Platform.
📄️ Akuity EKS add-on
Tutorial on how to install the Akuity Agent in AWS EKS cluster using the Akuity EKS add-on
📄️ Kargo Quickstart
This quickstart will walk you through implementing Kargo with Akuity Platform, to manage the promotion of applications in a declarative fashion.