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Image Updater

The Akuity Platform can easily enable and configure the Argo CD Image Updater. The Image Updater settings are located in Argo CDyour instanceSettingsImage Updater.

To enable the Image Updater, go to its setting tab mentioned above, toggle Enable and click on Save.

If Image Updater is Enabled, you will get an option below to select a cluster in which you want to run the Image Updater. You can select All Managed Clusters or Single Managed Cluster of your choice.

Once the Image Updater is configured on the Akuity Platform, all the operational configurations can be done in the Argo CD instance itself, such as the git write-back method or update strategies.


The Argo CD Image Updater runs in your connected cluster, so the logs can be viewed using below command on the cluster.

# namespace is 'akuity' unless you configure different in cluster settings.
kubectl logs deployment.apps/argocd-image-updater -n <namespace-of-installed-agent>`

In the settings, you can configure the log level from the Log Level dropdown.


Git Access for Write-Back Method

Before you choose git as a write back method, you would need to give an access of the relevant git repository to let Image Updater commit changes.

Git Commit Options

Configure the git commit username, email, and message used by the Image Updater. This configuration is optional.

  1. Fill the User field.
  2. Fill the Email field.
  3. Fill the Commit Message Template input. The template is a Go text/template string. Therefore, metadata can be accessed using variables. two common top-level variables are:
    1. AppName - the name of the Application.
    2. AppChanges - the list of the changes, which contains:
      1. Image - the image name.
      2. OldTag - the previous tag or SHA digest before the update.
      3. NewTag - the update's new tag or SHA digest.
  4. Click Save.

Container Registries

To configure custom private container registries:

  1. Click the Add Container Registry button.

  2. Fill the relevant fields Prefix, Name, API URL, Default Namespace, Credentials, Credential Expire Time and Rate Limit. Hover over the help icon to see more information about a field.

  3. Move to the Secrets tab to define private container registry credentials and use it from the dropdown of the Credentials field mentioned in the above step.

  4. Click Save.

SSH Client Configuration

The Image Updater supports setting the SSH Client Configuration (i.e., modifying the ~/.ssh/config). This is used in edge cases when, for example, you need to use the deprecated ssh-rsa algorithm. See further explanation in this pull request on the upstream project.

Host *
PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa