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Argo CD allows notifications to be configured using Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets. The Akuity Platform provides a convenient way to configure notifications through its dashboard.

All notification settings can be located by navigating to Argo CDyour instanceSettingsNotifications.


Check out our how to add GitHub commit status notifications for Argo CD on the Akuity Platform.

Configure services

  1. Select the Configuration tab.

  2. Click + Add New:

    1. Select the type of service.

    2. Enter all required fields (these will vary by service type).

    3. Click Add.

    Repeat these steps if you want to add more services.


    Configuration tab doesn't currently support all possible services. For now, only Email and Slack are supported. We are continuing to add support for additional services. If you want to add more services, you can use the YAML Editor tab.

  3. Click Save to persist the configuration to a ConfigMap.


The platform automatically injects .context.argocdUrl for you. This means that if you have specified a Custom Domain in Argo CDyour instanceSettingsSecurity & AccessExternal Access, .context.argocdUrl will automatically be updated. You can override its value using the YAML Editor functionality, in which case the Akuity Platform will leave it as you specified.

Configure triggers and templates

Argo CD comes with a catalog of predefined triggers and templates.

  1. Select the Configuration tab.

  2. Click Import From Catalog.

  3. Click Confirm.

You can also define your own Triggers or Templates.

Each Trigger uses one Template. You need to add a Template first, or you can add it in Add Trigger modal:

  1. Select the Configuration tab.

  2. Click Templates.

  3. Click + Add Template.

  4. Enter a unique Name.

  5. Input configuration in the Template field. Refer to the Argo CD templates documentation for more details.

  6. Click Add.

Once your Template is visible in the list, go back and add a new Trigger:

  1. Click + Add Trigger

  2. Fill in all required fields.

  3. Select or add a new Template by following the above steps.

  4. Click Add.

Repeat these steps if you want to add more triggers or templates.

  1. Click Save to persist the configuration to a ConfigMap.


The Akuity Platform allows you to easily manage sensitive information that can be referenced elsewhere in the configuration of your notifications using a $ sign (e.g. $slack-token).

To add a new secret:

  1. Select the Secrets tab.

  2. Then:

    1. Click + New Secret.

    2. Enter the secret name (without a $ sign) in the Key column.

    3. Press the Enter key on your keyboard.

    4. Enter the secret's value in the Value column.

    Repeat these steps if you want to add more secrets.

  3. Click Save to persist the data in a Secret.


After a secret is added, it will never be displayed again in the dashboard, but can be redefined or removed.