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Akuity Platform Custom Roles

Custom roles add support for Role Based Access Control (RBAC) for resources in the Akuity Platform (e.g. an Instance, or an Organization). Users can create and attach custom roles to API Keys to limit their access.


Support for custom roles on organization members is coming soon.

Managing Custom Roles

Only users with the Owner role in an organization can manage custom roles. They are read-only for everyone else.

  1. Select the Organization you want to create a role for, from the pull down menu.

  2. Switch to the Custom Roles tab.

  3. Click on the "Create New Role" button to create a new role.

Manage Custom Roles

  1. Provide the name, description, and permissions of role. Then create the role. Please note that you can only add granular permissions for ArgoCD Instance, ArgoCD Cluster, Kargo Instance and Kargo Agent.

Create Custom Role Modal

  1. You can then use that role when creating an API key.

API keys

Available permissions

Here is a table of current permissions which can be used in a custom role

Custom Roles
API Keys
Argo CD Instance
Argo CD Cluster
Kargo Instance
Kargo Agent
SSO Configuration
Member Role
Audit Log
Notification Config
Team Members
Workspace Members
Workspace Member Role
Workspace API Keys
Workspace Custom Role
Kubernetes Dashboard