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Notifications are a way to keep track of important events on the Akuity Platform. You can receive notifications for a variety of events, such as usage alerts of applications, audit logs, and more. Notifications can be sent using 3 different methods: email, webhook, and Akuity Platform UI.

Notification Center

The Notification Center is where you can view all the notifications that have been sent to you through Akuity Platform UI. You can access the Notification Center by clicking on the bell icon (🔔) in the top right corner of the Akuity Platform and then clicking on Notifications Center. The Notification Center will display all the notifications that have been sent to you, and you can view the details of each notification by clicking on it.

Notification Center


You can manage your notification settings by going to the Settings tab in the Notification Center page. You can enable or disable notifications for each event type. You can also choose the method of notification for each event type. You can choose to receive notifications via email, or the Akuity Platform UI.

The different categories of notifications are:

  • Billing - Notifications related to billing events, such as subscription renewals, payment failures, etc.
  • Marketing - Notifications related to marketing events, such as new features, promotions, etc.
  • Product Updates - Notifications related to product updates, such as new releases, bug fixes, etc.
  • Usage Alerts - Notifications related to usage alerts, such as reaching usage limits, etc.

Notification Settings

Email Notifications

Email notifications are sent to the email address associated with your account. An email notification is sent when an event occurs that you have subscribed to. You can manage your email notifications by going to the Settings tab in the Notification Center page. You can enable or disable email notifications for each event type.

An example of an email notification for Usage Alerts is shown below:

Email Notifications

Akuity Platform UI Notifications (Web Notifications)

Akuity Platform UI notifications are notifications that are displayed in the Akuity Platform UI. These notifications are displayed in the top right corner of the Akuity Platform, and you can view them by clicking on the bell icon (🔔). Akuity Platform UI notifications are sent when an event occurs that you have subscribed to. You can manage your Akuity Platform UI notifications by going to the Settings tab in the Notification Center page. You can enable or disable Akuity Platform UI notifications for each event type.

An example of an Akuity Platform UI notification for Usage Alerts is shown below:

Web Notifications

Webhook Notifications

Webhook notifications are sent to a URL that you specify.

When a webhook notification is sent, the Akuity Platform will send a POST request to the specified URL with the notification details in the request body. The request body will contain a JSON object with the following fields:

  • eventTime - The time at which the event occurred.
  • eventType - The type of event that occurred.
  • organizationId - The ID of the organization to which the event is related.
  • eventId - The ID of the event.
  • <eventTypeData> - Additional data related to the eventType.

To set up a webhook notification, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Organization you want to create a webhook for, from the pull down menu.
  2. Click on the Settings button.
  3. Switch to the Webhooks tab.
  4. Click the + Add New button.
  5. Enter the Name, URL and select the Events for the webhook.
  6. Click the Add button.

Webhook Setup

  1. The webhook will be added to the list of webhooks. To view the delivery history of the webhook, click on the View button.

Webhook Delivery History

  1. Click on the Send testing event button to send a test event to the webhook.

Webhook Testing

  1. The webhook will be sent a test ping event and the response will be displayed. If you see a tick mark, the webhook was successfully sent. You can click on the + icon to view the response.

Webhook Testing Response

An example of a webhook notification for audit event is shown below:

Audit Webhook

"eventTime": "2024-08-23T13:21:30.647737Z",
"organizationId": "yswhibye4b9xy0e",
"eventId": "c2txb45sbae7m5m9",
"auditEvent": {
"timestamp": "2024-08-23 13:21:30.622450296 +0000 UTC",
"action": "created",
"actor": {
"type": "akuity_user_email",
"id": ""
"object": {
"type": "custom_role",
"id": {
"name": "test",
"kind": "",
"group": ""
"parentId": {
"name": "",
"parentName": "",
"applicationName": ""
"details": {
"message": "",
"patch": "",
"actionType": ""

Webhook Notification Types

The following are the different types of webhook events that you can subscribe to:

  1. audit - Audit log events.
  2. usage - Usage alert events.
  3. * - All events.

For more information on the webhook schema, refer to the Notification Webhook Schema.